Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Chronicles of Friday IV: Conversations

“He does not ignore those who cry to him for help.” Psalm 9:12b

This week was different for us; we even had a blue sky for about 10 minutes! I want to start, though, with last Friday. I didn't get a chance to really go into detail.

On Friday, we went out on the street again. We had originally planned to just pray in the prayer room, but that never happens. Before we even got a chance to walk into the building, we saw a girl we met nearly a month before. I mentioned that experience in the first Chronicle. She remembered us from the last month, and she opened up to us more than we ever expected. She revealed some things about her past that made her lifestyle choices more understandable. We had a chance to bring up some spiritual matters with her, and she seemed a lot more open to them then before. She even allowed us to pray for and with her!

On Saturday, we went to Explosion! That's monthly meeting of a network of churches in the area. It starts with food and fellowship then goes to praying, worship, and a sermon... all in German. OK, mostly in German. People tend to speak in tongues at these things, and that makes me uncomfortable. Day, Jessica, and I left early because we didn't feel right about something. I was anxious the entire time, and I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. Sarah and the Journeygirl here stayed and witnessed a healing session.

That weekend showed us a lot about how much God loves people. Minus the Saturday night, there were several instances where people on the streets where very open and could see the light of Christ in us. We weren't without oppositions or distractions, but we have to remember that the distractions are satan and his little minions trying to pull people away from the Gospel and trying to prevent us from doing the work God so clearly wants us to do.

Now, onto this week!

We got some responses from the 'Practice English' fliers we posted last week in addition to the contacts we got from the people we've met on the street. The four of us met with a guy we met on the street. We met in a cafe near Ikea (which made me want some Swedish meatballs) and chatted. The conversation was a little strained especially when it came to spiritual matters. He wasn't very comfortable and asked to change the subject. He wants to meet with us again, but we aren't sure when we can. Please pray for him because he feels that he can solve all of his own problems. He's kind of a 'let the chips fall where they may' kind of person.

On Thursday, we had the chance to meet with a very sweet girl named Caroline. She's originally from Poland and has been in Germany for eight years. She wants to go to the US for her PhD. She was very open and very inquisitive. Jessica, Day, and I were able to answer all of her questions, and I felt this meeting was a great success. She wants to meet with us again! We also have another girl who we need to call to set up a meeting. This is all very exciting!

On Thursday evening, we met at the Journeygirl's place to have dinner and meet some of her friends. There were 12 people there, and 8 countries were represented! Isn't that so cool! The countries were: Germany, Scotland, Canada, Singapore, China, Malaysia, France, and the US. We got to talk to the guy from Scotland, and we compared the US and the UK. That was a lot of fun. We joked about how much better our spellings of words are. It was a great night.

Unfortunately, I was feeling really sick on Friday, so I could not go out. There are some interesting stories involving vomit... maybe it's best I was sick. An encouraging thing out of that was that two of the girls we've met in weeks past were more open than ever.

As you are praying, here are some very specific things for which you can pray:

-- Pray the God will glorify Himself among all the people of all the nations.

-- Pray for international students in Western countries (especially the US) to come to know Christ so they can spread the Good News back home.

-- Pray for the leaders of nations.

-- Pray the God will send laborers to the field.

-- Pray that the Church will see the world as God sees it.

-- Pray for Sarah's mom as she is dealing with some health issues. She is starting treatment after she gets back home from visiting Sarah this week. Pray that God will be glorified through all of this and that Sarah and her family will have great peace. Pray for healing for her mom.

-- Pray that Sarah's mom and Day's mom and sister have an uneventful flight over here.

On a lighter note, check out my teammate, Day's, blog for a funny story and some differences we've noticed between home and here!
Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement!




Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn!
Thanks so much for keeping up with this blog so we can know how you're doing and hear some of the AMAZING things God is doing. All of this is so exciting, and the "Practice English" flyers are a brilliant idea!! I love you and I MISS you! I'm looking forward to the end of the semester when you get to come home, but at the same time I am so delighted that God is doing all these amazing things. What awesome opportunities!! I'm honored to know you, Jennifer Chapman.

- Kelli W.

Day said...

i so got linked in your blog! i feel cool. thanks yennifer.

linda30168 said...

Hi Baby!
I am so encouraged by your blog and totally love your updates. Please know that I pray for you and your teammates for the most of my day and have you in my mind all of my day.
I Love You and Miss You!
ps-Zealand says meow.