Sunday, October 19, 2008

Nothing too small... or too silly.

To start, I have the best friends ever. They put up with my complete silliness and all my stories... and all the weirdness that comes with it. They're wonderful for not telling to shut-up and for being happy with me. It's not everyday you are blessed with friends like that. Thanks God.

He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.
Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.
Psalm 147: 4-5

This is such a great passage. God knows how many stars there are in the sky. He knows their names. He has infinite knowledge and power, but He knows me. He knows my story. He wrote my story. HE KNOWS ME!!! The God of the stars knows MY name, and He cares about me.

God really is the lover of my soul. As I have grown in Him, different things have begun to touch my heart in amazing ways. Some things have remained the same. As I become more like Him, here's what has changed:

Witnessing people abandon themselves in worship and prayer touches my heart in a new way.
A trio of friends and their perfectly timed friendship for maximum growth in God.
Reading the Bible and finding answers to my deepest desires.
A perfect passage in the Bible that nails life right on the head.

Things that haven't changed but have gotten better:
Georgia sunsets.
Laughing so hard it hurts.

I found another great verse from the Book of Psalms:
He will complete that which concerns you... Psalm 138:8

God will complete everything according to His plan for your (my) life. I found this great page that explains it more: God This Concerns Me

Tell Him everything.


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